Compact all-integrated

The MPG is a cost-effective heat pump specificaly designed by VIVRECO for the comfort of lesser than 180m² new homes. It uses the free solar energy stored in the soil.

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All in one

Check our MPG!

MPG compact efficient all integrated brine water heat pump
Why Choose

Our Product?

Efficient and made to suit every way of life. Your Comfort is here without efforts, regardless of outside temperature. The MPG can also produce domestic hot water for the whole family.
Sound insulation is key for comfort. You won't even realise it is on (approximately 50dB).
We wanted to put everything inside the MPG. Compact and all-integrated, the MPG takes a minimum of space in your home.
Web Control
The MPG takes advantage of the WebControl technology. You only need an Internet connexion to access dedicated website or smartphone app to operate your MPG from anywhere.
During summer, the "Freecooling" system allows you to cool down your home for around 0.2€ per day. Only one pump is on.

Our costumers

Very good heating system, highly economical. The service is very satisfactory.

Since 2011-05

System has a great design! Satisfied with the product, very easy to use.

Since 2017-02